Ok, this is not a good example. It was early in the semester and I had no internet access at school because I had no student ID card because registration didn't take place until a month into school because...oh yeah, I already wrote this post about two months ago.
Anyway, the only place I could go and: 1) use the internet for free; and 2) use electricity for free was the Peace and Love Youth Hostel, the scene of this video. I had a citecheck due for which I needed the internet so it seemed like a good choice. Plus, there was happy hour from 7-10.
In reality, school here is hard and not just because it's in French and there aren't any textbooks. I spend a ton of time studying and getting ready for class, especially Private International Law and Droit Interieur du Marche. Those are by far my two most challenging and interesting classes. Just trying to negotiate all of the different treaties, country laws and customs is enough to confuse anyone. Add to that the civil law aspect of their approach and I am frequently lost. Private international law is like what I think conflicts would be, although I have never taken that class. You usually have some litigation between citizens of two different countries and you have to figure out if the judge is competent to rule on the matter. There are myriad rules dictating who is and who is not competent to rule on matters and a lot of it has to do with what category the legal problem falls into. This I still don't understand completely but I am getting there. Then there's the situations where the judge doesn't agree with a decision because of "ordre public" which really means it goes against the morals and values of France.
In any case, here are some pathetic photos of me studying:
you need a haircut. your hair is getting too long...it will look like Ronald McDonald soon. you really need to stop studying and groom yourself.
where is the bald thomas that I befriended? i feel like you have changed the terms of the contract of our friendship. i am going to sue you.
I believe that president-elect Obama has outlawed all broadcastings of "Sweet Home Alabama," both domestically and abroad! Yeah!! I'm glad to see that your "thinkin' pants" are still helping you do your homework even in Paris.
This is why I don't write a blog. I don't want to tell people about how I am in the law school almost all of my waking hours.
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