As I really wanted to watch election night on American TV, some of my friends and I foolishly tried to go here, Breakfast in America, for the coverage. As you can see, there was a pretty big line so we gave up.
Fortunately, however, there was a bar about 150 meters away that had CNN so we just went there.
Suzanna and Razika, two students from the Masters, taking in the joy that is CNN election coverage at around 1:30 U.S. time.
Gregor, Colin and the ubiquitous "I am getting my picture taken" hand gesture.
David and Zsuzi enjoy Democracy, American style: Wolf Blitzer, Candy Crowley, and the seemingly endless, meaningless coverage preceding the closing of the first polls.
All these people were enjoying it too.

Here's most of us together that night.
Here I am with my friend Jean, a very cool American writing her dissertation here in France. At first we were happy with our American coverage and then...
we were disappointed with CNN's new technological advancement: the reporter's in-studio appearance via hologram! Translation: "Wow, there really isn't anything going on yet but they have gone to the big guns and we have a lot of time to kill."

Most of my european friends left the bar around midnight but Jean and I stayed until closing time and then headed to an Obama Victory party at the Palais des Congres. Since we were "on the list" we didn't have to wait in line with the suckas; we just went on in. Greeting us was a huge crowd of mostly French people very fired up about Obama and America.

The place was seriously packed.

This guy was everywhere.

We were briefly in a VIP room but left because apparently in French VIP means a small place with no access to booze or TV coverage. As we were leaving I took a picture of this clown, who then told me I couldn't take a picture of him and asked me if I did. Proving he was pathetic, he simply accepted my response that I didn't take his picture.

Obama wins Ohio.

Jean is fired up.

We found a secret passage through the kitchen to another sort of VIP area where we were able to get some Obamagels---I know, not very presidential.

Obama wins Pennsylvania. Is it that easy? Doesn't it mean that it's over?

Jean's convinced after Pennsylvania.

I am not quite sure, even after Pennsylvania. I guess after the last two elections I am used to not having the results until 4 AM american time. Also, won't FixNews soon be announcing that McCain actually won Pennsylvania or that 500,000 new votes turned up in Ohio for McCain? I just can't quite accept it yet. I want it to be true but it seems unbelievable.

Obama wins! Wait, what's wrong with Rolan Martin? Does he know something we don't? Is it those mysterious extra Ohio votes?

Nope, Obama is the winner. Maybe Rolan is moved; we don't have audio here.

Finally, I am convinced.

Waiting for my new president.

All these people are waiting too.

Everybody is happy Obama is President.

All these people are French.

My new president!!!!

So, overall the party was great. Here, however, is an indication that they just don't quite get it.

Going home after everything is over. Here's Jean with her Obama painting in front of a classy "Four Roses" ad with four roses in the mouths of the Mount Rushmore presidents.
awesome post! i love the part about the clown in the VIP room and the stars 'n bars cart awning. i was watching CNN here and I think that dower looking anchor was actually about to cry just after the announcement. why no crying pictures of you??
There was no one to take them and I certainly wasn't going to take one of myself.
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